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Fillers Used at Bella Vita

Updated: Aug 27, 2019

Nurse Meg uses the entire line of Revanesse by Prollenium which includes 5+ fillers indicated for different parts of the face with varying viscosities. Longevity is very dependant of each individual client and their metabolism as well as the part of the face injected. For example: Lip fillers will dissolve faster as talking and eating will metabolize faster than the nose or jawline as these areas don’t move as much. Prollenium is among the longest lasting filler on the market and when compared to others, performs better and lasts longer than its competitors. Revanesse is a premium product and along with its longevity, does not leave or result in lumps, bumps or nodules. Revanesse is also the safest filler on the market as it is the only filler that can dissolve within 30 seconds as a safety feature formulated to be dissolved in case of any adverse reaction. #injections #bellavitainjectables #fillers #revanesse #lipfillers #cheekfillers #prollenium #cosmetics #dysport #botox #beauty

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